Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Starts tomorrow at 3:30pm when I step foot out of my office!! I'm a little anxious, it has been over 3 years since we have had a vacation! So where are we headed you ask??  OREGON!!! We are headed to a music festival where our favorite band is playing.  We are going to be camping for 4 days, then on Monday we are going to stay in Portland, see the sights and then visit a friend.  On Tuesday we are heading to our wonderful friends house on the coast in Brookings to stay a few days.  Then on Thursday we are heading to the Redwoods to finish out our week.  We are taking Abby with us and can't wait to see how she does away from home for 9 days.  One thing I do know, it is going to be an adventure but I wouldn't want it any other way!

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