So here I am starting a blog. I never really thought that I would have enough to say in a blog, but after reading so many I think I'm ready to try. A little about us, we have been married almost 3 years. We had our 1st baby in July, her name is Abby. We call her our "golden child" Since bringing her home from the hospital she has always been a great baby. She never cries unless she is hungry, she hardly fusses if she needs her pants changed, she has been sleeping in her crib since she was 3 weeks old, she has slept through the night since she was 2 months old, she is always smiling and friends and family ask us "is she always this good" Then in the next breath they say "you better not have another one, he/she won't be this good" We actually want another baby and hopefully this summer we will start trying and then we will have "golden children" :) Here is one of my favorite pictures of Abby. This is when she was3 months old.
As far as my Husband and I, I work at Papyrus Corporate office in Fairfield as an Asst Buyer for stationery. I have been working for them for almost 6 years and I love it. Brian my husband works for Wine Warehouse as a Sales Rep. He sells wine and spirits to Resturants. We always have wine in the house, so that is good when your having a bad day! We love entertaining, I'm always looking for an excuse to have people over. We just bought our 1st home last February, it has a pool and lots of space so we put it to good use.
Welcome to the blogosphere! It's so much! I love mine!