Giving you a peek inside our fun, crazy life raising the sweetest little girl while pregnant.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sick Abby
So yesterday I called my Mom to check up on Abby, my Mom takes care of Abby Tuesday- Thursday. My Dad answered and I said " Hi Dad" " Can I talk to Mom?" He says " Well she is a little busy, Abby threw up everywhere." My heart sank. I asked "What's wrong", he said " Let me get Mom". Of course my Mom reassured me everything was fine, but Abby had in fact thrown up everywhere! She was fine when Brian dropped her off, but after having some breakfast she threw up all over my Mom. This is the 1st time Abby has ever gotten sick, she has had a cold, but nothing like this. So of course I left work early and went to pick her up. It took me an hour since I work in Fairfield and I started to get a stomach ache myself. All I wanted to do was hold my sweet little baby. So when I got to my parent's house she was in just a diaper because she was a little hot, but no more throw up, thank goodness. So we gave her some Tylenol and Pedilyte and she fell asleep for about 15 minutes. When she woke up she was feeling better. I'm not sure if it was the flu, but she has been teething for the last 6-8 weeks. This could have been a really bad teething episode. Poor little girl, she was so sleepy and whiny. She started to feel better later in the evening but it was a long night for all of us. Today she doesn't have a fever, but doesn't want to sleep, maybe too much yesterday! Hopefully we are past the worst, it just breaks my heart when she is sick.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
One month and counting!
You ask "what happens in one month from today?" Sex and the City 2 comes out!!!! I have been waiting for 2 years for this and I'm so excited!!! When the 1st one came out we all went to my friend Tina's house for appetizers and cosmos of course, then off the the movie. We had such a fun time, so this year we must do the same. The movie opens on a Thursday on Memorial Day weekend, so I suspect we will go Thursday night since alot of girls will be busy that weekend. Here is a clip of what's to come! I can't wait til the 27th!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off
Isn't that what they say?? I have been bouncing back in forth with my weight ever since Abby was born. I had gained a total of 27 lbs with Abby and lost most of it by 3 months, but not all. Also things just weren't as firm as I wanted them to be. So I decided in January that I was going to train and run a 5k, this should firm things up right? So on April 11Th I ran the Zoo Zoom, I did pretty good- 40mins! My goal was a 12 min mile, but it came out to more like a 13.25 a mile. I also have been really making a conscious effort of eating better. So this last week I weighed myself and low and behold I'm below the weight I was when I got pregnant! So there you have it, 9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off!! I wouldn't do it any other way. I know how hard it was to look in the mirror and see things not the way the used to be, but then I look at my sweet little lady and think " it's all worth it" So for all those new Moms out there, do it at your own pace and remember what the reason was for the weight gain.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Survivor Thursday
Today is Thursday which = Survivor! We have been getting together with our great friends Jason and Eileen for the past few years on Thursday to watch Survivor. Well Jason, Brian and myself watch it, Eileen either reads the US magazine or talks to us during it. We switch off every week going to each other's houses and we usually pick up Papa Murphy's and enjoy some wine. Let's face it, it's really just an excuse to hang out with the Edwards and drink wine. :) Here's to Thursday's!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sunday's in the park

So lately we have been heading to the park on Sunday's to get out of the house and enjoy the nice weather. The cool part about McKinley Park is they have a drum circle on Sunday's. Brian loves to drum so this is perfect. We also have a small drum so Abby can play along. Here are some pictures I took, enjoy!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Picture Day!
Abby turned 9 months on the 6th, so it's time for her 9 months pictures. When she was born I said I would do newborn, 3m, 6m, 9m and 1 year. Well we didn't get newborn pics done, but I did do 3m and 6m. We went to JCPenny and they turned out great!! Really affordable, the people are really sweet and they look great. So today was the 1st day we had free to get them done AND Daddy is coming with us!! It is a family day. I'm really happy Brian is coming with us, he can always get her to smile so big! Then it's off to Cheesecake Factory for lunch! I will post the pictures next week, I hope everyone has a great start to the weekend, I know we will!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The start

So here I am starting a blog. I never really thought that I would have enough to say in a blog, but after reading so many I think I'm ready to try. A little about us, we have been married almost 3 years. We had our 1st baby in July, her name is Abby. We call her our "golden child" Since bringing her home from the hospital she has always been a great baby. She never cries unless she is hungry, she hardly fusses if she needs her pants changed, she has been sleeping in her crib since she was 3 weeks old, she has slept through the night since she was 2 months old, she is always smiling and friends and family ask us "is she always this good" Then in the next breath they say "you better not have another one, he/she won't be this good" We actually want another baby and hopefully this summer we will start trying and then we will have "golden children" :) Here is one of my favorite pictures of Abby. This is when she was3 months old.
As far as my Husband and I, I work at Papyrus Corporate office in Fairfield as an Asst Buyer for stationery. I have been working for them for almost 6 years and I love it. Brian my husband works for Wine Warehouse as a Sales Rep. He sells wine and spirits to Resturants. We always have wine in the house, so that is good when your having a bad day! We love entertaining, I'm always looking for an excuse to have people over. We just bought our 1st home last February, it has a pool and lots of space so we put it to good use.
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